• August 2012: Gold medalist of 2th science to practice (Commercialization) national festival for inventing a new 4 DOF palletizing robot.
  • October 2011: Recognized as a Top entrepreneur in Semnan/Iran industrial zone.
  • October 2011: Recognized as a Top young entrepreneur in Iran.
  • October 2010: Recognized as a Top technical trainer in the Technical and Vocational Training Organization (TVTO) Semnan/Iran.
  • October 2002: Gold medalist of 4th youth Kharazmi festival for inventing a new slope climbing robot.
  • August 1999: Selected for National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents (NODET) among 10,000 Participants.


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Contact Info

+98 (0) 912 532 1107


Fourth karfarmayan street- Nabovat square- Semnan industrial park- Semnan province- Iran

Postal code: 3535169866